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Делије Кафе => Olympiakos - Gate 7 & Spartak Moscow => Topic started by: Anonymous on December 24, 2005, 08:49:41 AM

Title: Intervju s navijacem Olympiakosa
Post by: Anonymous on December 24, 2005, 08:49:41 AM
(preuzeto sa www.forza-roma.de)

Interwiew with an Olympiakos supporter

1.) Hello to Greece! First i will say that i am very proud to get an interview with one of the most famous and best ultra groups in europe. The "Ultras Gate 7" make headlines around europe. Please tell us how the group come into existence and what's all about it?

Hello mate. Thanks for the good words. Gate 7 (Thira 7) officially starts 1982. Before this there was several united groups/firms but after the incident at gate 7 of Karaiskaki stadium and the death of 21 brothers all the groups get together and in memory of our brothers fisrt and secondary cause the gate we was stand the nae is Gate 7. All about? OLYMPIAKOS

2.) In Italy or at O. Marseilles the Ultras finance themselves by merchandise or a positive club politic. How do you finance your terraces shows?

Every Gate 7 club have materials and members that pay every month a fee. The biggest percent of the money is going to a unite account so we can do anything we want.

3.) I often saw that supporters in Greece climb big high fences. Is this a Greek cult?

Yes you can say this. Haha, we have missed this cause now the Clus and the Police gets awaya those fences.

4.) What is the reason for that massive rivalry in Athens. Are political things the only reasons for that violence?

The rivarly between the supporters in Athens and Greece it is noway political. It only fans subjects. Hate, Rivarly say it as you want. But it is NOT political. The only political reasons for violence here in Greece is the riots against the state, police and other for the new laws against the supporters and fan clubs.

5.) Piräus is a dock and working class area. Is that area a social focus and is this the reason for the rivalry with Panathinaikos, cause their supporters coming from richer areas?

This is the reason that this rivarly starts. Olympiakos supporters was always in lower socail classes but not only for Piraeus. Te major and the hardcrest clubs are at Athens (Yes Athens and Pireaus is almost the same town) and we are much more at this places also.

6.) I heard that at a derby in Saloniki was a dog burned because his coat had the colours of a local rival. What is the difference to the scene in Athens, or is there also such a big rivalry between the teams in the north of Greece?

Yes i remember this. Haha, it is xxxxing stupid man. This is not violence. The north scene is sometimes only good but it is small. It is like people that know it's other and it is not real incidents. The truth is that the derbis at the north have good events. South is more real hooliganism and the scene is very good. Older days at derby days at Athens there was chaos. Nowdays, and cause the new laws, there are many especially casual groups that doing all the "job". So the difference between north and south is that at south there is a trully and smart scene.

7.) Did the victory at the euro 2004 in portugal changed something in your fan scene? Less rivalry, or is there no interest of the Greek Ultras to the national team like at the Italian Ultras?

Non of the Greek Ultras have interest for the national team. But the victory change a lot of thing. Now the goverment, the police and the journalist trying to close all the fan clubs. It is a xxxxing war with them.

8.) What is the general situation of the Greek Ultra scene? We heard about hard procedures against violence in Greek stadiums?

Yes the things are very difficult today. There are huge numerous of undercover policemans at the stadiums and at the streets. We have the biggest problems with the state cause we are the biggest greek ultras fan club with more than 15000 members and big incidents events. Many guys of us went to jail and some clubs closed for sometime by the police. Like i say to you above, it is a xxxxing war.

9.) What do you have to say to a guy that compares your scene with the Italian Ultra cult?

We have many common and many different things. I believe that Greek scene is more hardcore. Italian scene is more organised at some things like movements against laws and the state. We are more violent when we react. We have respect not to all but to some italian ultras like AS Roma and some others.

Short words to:
a) Glasgow Rangers
b) Otto Rehakles
c) Fans in der Turkey

I don't have something to say about the 3 thing you ask for.

11.) OK! Thanks for the interview and the friendly contact to you!

Ok, mate. Have fun adn keep the spirit alive.

(preuzeto sa www.forza-roma.de)
Title: Intervju s navijacem Olympiakosa
Post by: Anonymous on December 25, 2005, 11:36:04 AM
Ako imas vremena prevedi ovaj intervju na srpski. Inace, Vasilis je webmaster sajta ultras.gr
Title: Intervju s navijacem Olympiakosa
Post by: Anonymous on December 26, 2005, 02:31:21 PM

1.Pozdrav za Grcku! Prvo da kazem da sam veoma ponosan sto sam u mogucnosti da radim intervju sa jednom od najboljih i najpoznatijih ultra grupa u Evropi. "Ultras Gate 7" pune naslovne strane sirom Evrope. Reci nam kada je formirana grupa i sta je sustina?

Pozdrav druze. Hvala na lepim recima. Gate 7 (Thyra 7) je zvanicno osnovana 1982. godine. Pre toga bilo je nekoliko grupa koje su udruzene ali posle incidenta na stadionu Karaskai na sektoru/ulazu broj 7 gde je poginulo 21 ljudi/nase brace, sve grupe su se skupile zajedno. Prvi razlog je uspomena na nasu bracu a drugi je sektor gde stojimo na tribini - Gate 7.  Sustina?


2. U Italiji ili npr. kod Olimpika iz Marseja navijaci se financiraju putem prodaje sopstvenih proizvoda ili im u tome pomaze pozitivna klubska politika (finansira ih klub). Kako vi finasirate svoje predstave na tribini?

Svaki Gate 7 klub ima materijale/marketing i svoje clanove koji placaju mesecnu clanarinu. Najveci deo tog novca ide na zajednicki racun, tako smo u mogucnosti da uradimo sve sto zelimo.

3. Cesto sam video da se u Grckoj navijaci penju na visoke ograde? Da li je to grcki kult?

Da moglo bi se reci. Ha, ha. Sada nam to nedostaje, jer klubovi i policija uklanjaju te ograde.

4. Koji je razlog za velika rivalstva u Atini? Da li za takvo nasilje postoje samo razlozi politicke prirode?

Rivalstvo izmedju navijaca u Atini i Grckoj nema nikakve politicke osnove. To je samo stvar navijaca. Mrznja, rivalstvo, kako hocete. Ali nije politika! Jedini politicki razlozi za nasilje ovde u Grckoj su neredi protiv drzave, policije i novih zakona protiv navijaca i navijackih klubova.

5. Pirej je luka i podrucje radnicke klase. Da li je to podrucje socialni fokus i da li je to razlog za rivalstvo sa Panatinaikosom, posto njegovi navijaci dolaze iz razvijenijih/bogatijih delova grada?

Da to je razlog za nastanak rivalstva. Navijaci Olympiakosa su uvek bili u nizoj socialnoj klasi. Ali ne samo u Pireju. Najjaci i navjeci klubovi su iz Atine (Atina i Pirej su skoro isti grad) i mnogo vise nas ima u tim delovima.

6. Cuo sam da je na derbiju u Solunu spaljen pas zato sto je njegova dlaka bila u boji lokalnog rivala. Sta je razlika u navijackoj sceni Atine i da li takodje postoji veliko rivastvo izmedju timova sa severa Grcke?

Da secam se toga. Mnogo glupo. To nije nasilje. Scena na severu je ponekad dobra ali je mala. To je kao kada se ljudi znaju i nema pravih incidenata. Istina je da su dobra desavanja na derbijima na severu.
Na jugu je vise pravog huliganizma i scena je stvarno dobra. U starim vremenima na atinskim derbijima bio je kaos. Danas zbog novih zakona sav "posao" uglavnom odradjuju casual grupe.
Znaci razlika izmedju severa i juga je ta, da je na jugu stvarno prava i dobra scena.

7. Da li je pobeda nacionalnog tima na Euru 2004 u Portugalu promenila nesto na vasoj navijackoj sceni?
Manje rivalstva ili nema interesovanja grckih ultrasa za nacionalni tima kao sto je slucaj sa Italijanima?

Nijedna od grckih ultra grupa nema interesa za reprezentaciju. Ali pobeda je promenila mnogo toga. Sada vlada, policija i novinari pokusavaju da zatvore sve navijacke klubove. Vodi se pravi rat sa njima.

8. Kakva je opsta situcija na grckoj navijackoj sceni? Culi smo o strogoj proceduri/postupcima protiv nasilja na grckim stadionima?

Jeste, stvari su mnogo komplikovane danas. Na stadionima i ulicama ima mnogo policajaca u civilu. Najvece probleme imamo sa drzavom zato sto smo najveca grcka navijacka grupa, koja ima vise od 15000 clanova, a imali smo i dosta velikih incidenata. Mnogo nasih ljudi je u zatvoru i dosta klubova je privremeno zatvoreno od strane policije. Kao sto sam malo pre rekao, to je jebeni rat.

9. Sta bi rekao onome koji poredjuje vasu navijacku scenu sa italijanskim ultra kultom?

Imamo dosta toga zajednickog ali ima i dosta stvari gde se razlikujemo. Verujem da je grcka scena vise "hardkor". U Italiji je bolja organizacija u nekim stvarima kao sto su pokreti protiv zakona i drzave. Mi reagujemo sa vise nasilja. U Italiji postujemo samo nekoliko grupa poput AS Roma i ostalih.

10. Ukratko o
     a)Glasgow Rangers
     b)Oto Rehagel
     c)navijacima u Turskoj

Nemam sta da kazem o stvarima za koje me pitas.